Connections There’s a bio of sorts on A sampling on almost “everything” on Relative to this niche of home based business,I am usually just a few phone calls away from the connections someone needs,with a positive reputation that opens doors. My background in direct sales and direct sales management provides a foundation of hiring, training, motivating and developing a commission only direct sales force.Did that for over 12 years, before starting my own company while building an MLM company.For a few years, I was part owner of an MLM as well, called Smart Networker. I immersed myself into the MLM industry and was either part an advisory board or President of any worthwhile trade organization. From DSWA to DRA, to MLMIA to ANMP. This gave me knowledge and exposure to a vast spectrum of people at every level, from Compliance to finance, to tech and legal. I started my own company, overlapping much if everything, from zero to everything I have displayed on these pages. Therfore, my experiences in running tech and data centers. I still run and maintain physical servers here today. I have been involved or built autoresponders and bulk mailers (I owned my own ISP of over 4000 IP addresses), built phone dialing platforms, work with large size telemarketing centers, etc. Before Covid, started a separate capital funding business to provide loans of several types to businesses, and currently provide funding options through a long time personal friend who runs a finance company who specializes in direct sales companies, medical suppliers, and coaches. Therefore, I have current working knowledge of a vast amount of things, including AI technologies.